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Blog: 218 Need a break? MEDITATE = feel good vibes for you


Is your mind going like the clappers because you have so many things on your ‘ever growing’ TO DO list, that you feel exhausted and overwhelmed by it all?

If this sounds like you, you should try to start and end each day with at least a few minutes meditation to give your mind the rest it deserves.

If you’re like I was before I started to meditate – you think meditation is something that takes years to learn how to do. Trust me it is easy to do, even if your brain struggles to shut the f*** up (like mine hey!).

Meditation is a very natural state of awareness that can be developed in a few minutes each day. The benefits are boundless – you’ll:

·      Develop concentration.

·      Learn how to focus your attention.

·      Relax your body and mind quickly and easily - (good, good).

·      Understand your own mental processes - (phew hey!).

·      Work with your natural healing ability.

·      Exchange old habits for new ones.

·      Identify personal goals, aspirations, and release fears.

·      Try a few different levels of meditation and you’ll work out which method is best for you.

There are several different types of meditation you can do – that focus on healing different parts of you. Such as – mediation for your:

·      Digestion

·      Strengthening your aura

·      Laughing style

·      Walking – how it is best for your posture.

·      Answering a question.

·      Relaxation time.

·      Facial relaxation.

·      Creating new behaviours.

You’ll see doing meditation can help many parts of your mind and body to be healthy and happier.


If you feel more able to get fitter because meditation helps your mind to feel stronger, you should try to do some yoga too. If you do both well-being activities you’ll look and feel amazing, happy and more able  to deal with life’s challenges that might come your way.

If you want to watch someone doing yoga exercises / postures, because that’s how you find it easier = so you can see what each posture should look like.

You can Google: YouTube > yoga classes - there are loads you can choose from to suit your mood. Energetic or chilled out – it’s up to you.

I have & watch a DVD showing yoga led by Spice Girl -  Geri Halliwell called: geri body yoga.

If you get this DVD, you can follow Geri and her mate’s Katy & Nate through 5 sections of yoga. All of the sections will help build your mind, body and spirit. Don’t panic it’s designed for all levels of fitness. Your body will look so much buffer and your mind will be clearer if you do a bit of yoga every day.


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