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Blog: 210 How to get rid of your addiction(s)

Writer's picture: Laura MacLaura Mac

Being addicted to anything sucks right!..

…It sucks because one feels kind of controlled by having to fit your addiction into one’s (already) busy life.

You want to find some time: to have / do whatever one’s addiction is.

The addition that a lot of people have is smoking cigarettes. The thing that one if addicted to is Nicotine.

Please trust me, I was a smoker from the age of 14 years old. I smoked 40 cigarettes every day. I used to run to an area outside of school to have a cigarette between classes – how naughty was that?!

I am no longer a smoker. Believe me there are substitutions for cigarettes. Yes, I’m still addicted to nicotine, but I don’t smoke cigarettes that could have caused lung cancer in me. So, no I don’t miss breathing in smoke at all.

I get my nicotine by spraying it on to my tongue using: ‘Nicorette Quick Mist’ cool berry or mint flavour, 1mg/spray.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed that smoking isn’t seen on the TV or in films so much anymore. It used to be seen as a cool thing to do, but not anymore. Healthy products and healthy ways of living are promoted as the cool thing to do and have in one’s life these days.

2 Nicorette sprays in one pack costs about 33.99 pounds and pence at shops like Tesco. This might seem expensive, but it’s not as expensive as buying 1 box of 20 cigarettes – these cost 15.00 pounds a pack / box.

Buying Nicorette Sprays doesn’t seem expensive to me, because spraying nicotine on my tongue is ‘me’ saving ‘my life’.

If you smoke and you don’t want to anymore, please give Nicorette sprays a go. I bet you can stop being a smoker. Trust me, you’ll thank me for recommending these lifesaving objects to you. Plus, you’ll thank yourself for putting you staying alive for longer (than you perhaps would of) – now you’re no longer a smoker of cigarettes.

If I can become a non-smoker, so can you – I promise you that if you believe in yourself being able to give up cigarettes - you’ll achieve your goal.

Being addicted to eating food sucks for the obvious reason of you being fatter than you would like to be.

If you like having the taste of food in your mouth, you’ll be able to find some rather tasty snack type of food to keep your mouth busy while it waits for lunch and or dinner time.

To stop myself from putting weight on, I snack on peanuts. Not just an any old usual plain tasting boring bag of peanuts. Nope, the peanuts I eat are Thai Sweet Chilli flavour. You can buy them in shops that sell Walkers crisps – such as good old Tesco. If you buy or grow yourself some carrots and cut them into thinnish sticks and dip them into some humous you’ll find this is a lovely and rather good for your body way of treating yourself to food. You can pretend to yourself that you’re having an extra healthy quick and easy starter, especially if you snack on this just before your lunch or dinner time.

If you’re rather addicted to sugar, try telling yourself that sugar is only the sweet flavour that can be found in ‘Oh So’ healthy fruit. I find that eating some strawberries and drinking a glass of ice-cold orange juice makes me feel as if it’s a sunny day. Yep, I close my eyes and pretend it’s not raining outside - like it usually is in England.

Mind over matter (as the wiser old people often say), really works.

E.G. If you’ve got a test coming up for something in your life, such as your driving test or a test about something you’re supposed to be an expert at - wherever you work. But the nerves you’re feeling have made you feel rather tired, so you might not feel like you want to practise or read whatever it is. I find that when I tell myself I’ll sleep a lot better if I go to bed knowing I’ve done everything I can do to pass my test and I won’t be disappointed in myself after my nap, I always do my revision or practice driving a short distance.

Trust me that mind over matter works. Nobody is addicted to letting themselves down. Most of us are addicted to doing very well at things so we can be proud of ourselves.

Always doing your best can and should be your new addiction to replace the addictions that don’t let you look or feel great, healthy and happy.






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