I went to see Diana Ross last Sunday 15th October 2023 – and I was in awe, because she was fab.
From the moment she was on stage I felt positive, happy, and funky young glam vibes come from her. She wore the most fab sequined dresses – that really sparkled because of the multi-coloured lighting that shone on her.
She looked beautiful and she is living the dream, even though she’s in her older years – she put her arms and hands up in the air and shouted to the audience “I’m 79 and it’s making me happy – I don’t care that I’m 79, I’m loving it”.
I said to myself, “yes babe – you rock”.
It was brilliant song after brilliant song – many of them I was unaware were her songs.
She grooved away to her well-known songs ‘Upside down’, ‘It’s my house’, ‘I’m coming out’, ‘Tale me higher’, ‘Chain reaction’ and ‘I will survive’. (watch her sing this song live by clicking this rather big link:
Of course, she sang loads of songs – she was on stage from 19.45pm – 22.00pm. So, there was amazing song after amazing song – the songs I’ve told you about, are some of the songs I knew are hers.
Her voice is incredible, and I love the fact that she kept telling us, the audience “I love you all”.
Me and the other fans who sat near me, had tears of joy coming out of our loving ‘Funky Motown’ music eyes. Have you ever been so filled with joy when you’re enjoying yourself so much – it takes your breath away, that happy tears come out of your eyes?
Yes, I have had tears of joy a few times in my life, that has been so full of being at and throwing happy parties – filled with groovy, funky music.
I don’t know about you, but listening to music and dancing to it, puts a smile onto my face every time.
If this does sound like you, I recommend you asking your ‘Alexa’ (the tool that plays whatever music you ask her to play) to play you the music you love that you can’t help having a boogie to. This will start your day well because happy endorphins will fly around your internal body. Your brain will be very chuffed about this.
For me to watch and listen to Diana Ross live, I had to travel from my home city ‘Bristol to the Royal Albert Hall in our capital city ‘London’ on my own.
Seeing the ‘awesome glam, funky, and sparkly babe: Diana Ross’ was really worth the journey I did on my own. Please don’t think “does Laura Mac have any friends? How come she went on her own?” Don’t worry, I’m a popular girl who has many friends, but most of them have children these days, so they couldn’t come with me and leave their very young children on their own.