These charities are so in need of your support and hopefully your donation(s) – read here on how to help others in their life(s).
Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity: (GOSH)
You should feel the need and want to financially help GOSH out because of these facts:
· 600 seriously ill children arrive at GOSH from all over the UK.
· 30 children have life-changing operations at GOSH.
· 931 potentially life-changing research studies are active at GOSH.
By donating a regular gift, you could make a real difference to the lives of seriously ill children and their families.
Life-changing illness could happen to any of us. If this happens to you, your children or your friends – you’d want and need all of us to financially contribute to such an important place on Earth that could save our or their life.
To find out how you can help the UK’s most seriously ill children smile again, visit: .
Your support could help fund:
· Rebuilding and refurbishment
· Advanced medical equipment
· Ground-breaking research
· Child and family support services
The RSPCA – helping animals survive and live happily.
Help support the RSPCA. Watch this and you should and hopefully will feel the animals are worth all of our help:
To find out how you can donate to the RSPCA and ways you can know, so you can understand more about the great work they do go to:
International RESCUE Committee – Yemen
Children in Yemen are seriously malnourished – they urgently need your help.
Please help treat malnourished children.
It’s vulnerable children who are suffering the most. 2.2 million children in Yemen are acutely malnourished. Without the right treatment, their lives are in extreme danger.
· 10 pounds could provide a family with basic hygiene supplies.
· 26 pounds could provide a family with clean water for 1 month.
To donate:
· You can either call: 0203 983 9000.
· Go donate online at:
This charity needs support very urgently because…….
It empowers survivors – rebuilding lives of people who have survived war and are new to the UK. When one arrives in the UK having survived torture and one has left their family and friends behind – it can be hard to imagine a day when one is free of the nightmares and terrifying flashbacks that jaunts one day and night.
If you can afford to donate to this charity that helps survivors of war build a home and new life here in the UK.
40 pounds could help to pay for Boxes of Hope for two survivors. Boxes of Hope are boxes that provide smelling salts that help to stop anxiety, also they have shock packs – these are either put in a freezer or heated in a microwave. If one is having flashbacks of torture or seeing loved ones be killed in front of them – having the cold or hot pack put on one’s skin brings one back to the present time – where one feels safe and stops the flashbacks.
The Boxes of Hope help victims control some of the terrible symptoms a survivor experiences.
Here’s how you can find out how to help:
· Call 020 7697 7788
· Visit website: