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Blog: 125 How to use your money kindly…donate to charities part 3

Writer's picture: Laura MacLaura Mac

Updated: Apr 25, 2023

Here are some more charities that are worth your financial support and your time – if possible. If not possible, please spread the word about them to your friends………….

The charity CENTREPOINT is giving homeless young people a future. Their homepage says almost 30,000 young people face homeless this winter. How huge and mind blowing is that number to you?! Not a great way to start life – being young and homeless hey!

CentrePoint provides homeless young people with accommodation, health support and life skills, to help them back into education, training and employment.

If you check out their blog, it’s a safe space where they discuss the things that really matter to them: young people, housing, government policy, their campaigns and their research. The blogs you can read are really informative and well written.

To get involved with supporting CentrePoint you can: sleep out, volunteer, start fundraising, go to their events, arrange corporate partnerships and leave CentrePoint a gift in your will.

There is a help line number one can call if one is homeless, sofa surfing or at risk:

It’s 0808 800 0661.

If this sounds like your situation, they have a web page dedicated to getting you help to remove homelessness from your life.

Another cancer care charity is TENOVUS. Who or someone you love has been affected by cancer. You can call them on: 0808 808 1010. They have a donation page where you can donate once or monthly.

GREENPEACE are exploring the issues facing Earth.

Rising sea levels, more extreme weather events, loss of biodiversity. Our climate is breaking down and destructive industries continue to threaten our forests, oceans and air. But together we can overcome these challenges. Learn more about what Greenpeace is doing to protect our natural world for future generations.

You can sign up for emails from them about how Earth is doing. You can donate/join.

Your donation will help to support continue to defend our oceans, protect the rain-forests, save the Arctic and promote clean green energy across the globe.

Earth is your home plus all other human’s and animal’s home, so please donate to support them trying to save our plant’s conditions. GREENPEACE are exploring the issues facing Earth.

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