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Blog no: 43 Am I looking old or young for my age? Does it matter? How old I act is more important

Writer's picture: Laura MacLaura Mac

I've always been told I look very young for my age and that I act fun with a youthful sense of having a laugh way about me, so I'm told I'm great company - but I have a very wise head on me - apparently. My mum is in her 80s and she could get away with saying she is in her 60s - she looks young for her age, so I'm lucky I have very youthful looks genes in my system.

The reason I'm telling you this is because recently I was told by a man in his late 50s that he thought I was 52. I said "you cheeky git, I'm in my 40s". He said he thought he stood a chance with me because he thought we were similar ages - charming!

When I was in my youth, I'd feel chuffed if someone told me I looked older than I was, because I'd think 'yes, I'll be able to get into a nightclub, even though I'm not old enough' , I also thought I must come across very mature and experienced in the ways of life and the world, thanks to my oh so mature intelligent ways and my general demeanour.

I wonder if there are many of us out there, who are fun with youngster ways of living, but also who have a very mature nature, with sophisticated dresser at times when that is needed. People who love dressing smartly while at work, but at the weekends - hot pants used to get a look in when they were in fashion. That screams me, but now it's 2022 and I'm 41 - those hot pants days are gone, unless they were requested at a 90s / 00s fancy dress party!

If you're anything like me, you're ageing well and you still suit your rather lush clothes from your 20s and 30s. I wear my younger days clothes, because they're nice and mature while being funky.

If you're like me I think, 'do I look to old to wear these kind of clothes?' Do you find clothes from your youth remind you and those friends you've had for years about how much fun you used to have, only caring about how much fun you'd have at night and how you could help other people enjoy their night out by including them in your care free party feeling vibes at night?

When I used to have a job for a rather large world famous bank, I would be working hard at my desk with my walkman on, tapping my feet to the beats of the tunes and loving it when I'd turn my head and see my older than me friends at work, tapping their heads and feet in time with me , I'd get emails from them, telling me not to tell anyone, but they wished they were out partying with me. I'm still friends with some of them 20 years since I worked there and I love our friendship.

If you can try to build true friendships with your colleagues, so you trust them to have your back at work, just in case anything goes wrong, also so you can hit the pub together at the end of a day's work and the dance floor together at the weekend. If you can do this, it should help you to love going to work, because you become good friends, who are interested in each others lives and care about each other's well-being.

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