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Blog: 219 Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda…

Shoulda is slang for ‘I should have….’

Woulda is slang for ‘I would have if….’

Coulda is slang for: ‘I could of if…..’

It’s an expression of dismissiveness or disappointment concerning a statement, question, explanation, course of action, or occurrence involving hypothetical possibilities, uncertain facts, or missed opportunities.


I don’t know about you, but I’ve had many times when I think, feel and say “I should have done the opposite of what I did – such as I should have told him how I feel about him”.


If this sounds a bit like you, do you also think, feel, and say, “I would have if done it if I’d had more positive self-belief”?


Then good old  ‘Woulda’ &‘Coulda’. I could of if I’d got there in time, or if I’d thought through my words better before he was in front of me.


These things also happen to men when they like a lady (but of course). I’m just using men in my examples to you, because I’m a lady who only likes men.


Oh, I had a seriously gutted time of a ‘shoulda, woulda, coulda’. Please learn from this -  if you didn’t get a chance to buy your lottery ticket, and that night all of your usual lottery numbers are drawn. You 100% shoulda, because if you had you’d be a millionaire now. I really hope that one has never happened to you.

I had a little thing like this happen to me. I won 7 million pounds on a lottery scratch card, but I hid it away under my wardrobe just in case someone saw it and stole it from me. God knows how or why I forgot I had a winning lottery scratch card underneath my wardrobe – but I did. I did call the lottery to try to claim it, but they said, “you are 2 years too late to claim it, there was a deadline”.


Can you imagine how upset / gutted I was that I’d won the lottery, but I had not one penny of my ‘winning lottery numbers’ money. I kind of wish I’d gone straight to the lottery headquarters in London, UK & claimed my millions of pounds, even though I was in my PJs when I scratched the winning lottery ticket.


A lesson to learn from shoulda, woulda, coulda situations is – if you have a gut feeling that is something feels right for you, or you love to check through your things (your mates might tell you to stop doing this), let yourself be you and go with your gut feelings and happy vibes about things in your life.





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