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Blog: 108 What breed of dog to choose to be a part of your family and to suit your personality?

Writer's picture: Laura MacLaura Mac

Updated: Mar 23, 2023

There are many different breeds of dogs, but here I’ve written about dogs that should suit you whether you live alone and want to feel protected, you live with your family and your dog is also a member of your family. If you have a big or small personality – when you want a dog that’s just like you, or a dog that helps you to become funnier or calmer. Here’s the most well known dogs…

Labradors are friendly, outgoing and high-spirited dogs. They have a lot of affection that can easily go around your family and friends. They’re known to have great temperaments, so they are an ideal family dog, as they are fun and gentle around children. They are friendly and eager dogs who can adapt to a variety of situations. We always took my black Labrador Bess on our camping holidays, she wasn’t a large Labrador as females are usually smaller than male Labradors, so the females are possibly the ones to choose if you’ve got small young children. Bess loved to be in our tent and slept in my bed to keep me safe and warm. She fit in my small camping bed space because she was small. She had a fun personality and made me smile.

German Shepards have gentle natures if they are brought up around your children and with other dogs. They’re considered smart and easy to train. They have a protective nature, so they should help you to feel safe as a good guard dog. I’ll choose one if I live alone. They should be supervised around young children, because they often have a boisterous nature and your child might find itself being scared of him or her, so you should help them to become friends if you a German Shepard and children living in the same home.

Border collies: they are bright workaholics. They are fun, but calm natured energetic dogs that will settle down for a cuddle at the end of your day at work. I think most of us need a cuddle with a dog at the end of a full on day.

Cockapoo dogs are intelligent and easy to please, so they would suit you if you have a stressful busy life and also children to look after. Most of them are happy and friendly so they’re great as a companion dog. I had one called Curley when I was a teenager and yep he had curly fur. He was my fun and wise best friend, whom will always have a place in my heart.

Springer spaniel dogs are hardy, energetic and intelligent. From the beginning of having them they should be trained and socialized. They have a strong desire to be with people and be working, this is why they were selected as fairly close working hunting partner dogs.

Golden retriever are outgoing, trustworthy and easy to please family dogs. Their approach to life is generally joyous and playful. They are still like puppies when they are adult dogs, so kids should enjoy around them. It’s a Scottish breed and medium size – a place in my heart because I’m half Scottish and small to medium size, so I feel a Golden Retriever could be the dog for me, especially if I get a golden dog, because I’m blonde.

My mum and I always met are dogs and gave them a chance in our home, a run around and a play in the garden and we’d take them for a walk to see how they were with other dogs - to make sure our home suited them and to check if we felt comfortable with each other and we could have fun. The RSPCA where we got most of our dogs from, trusted us so we were able to do this.

I think and feel it’s important that which ever type of dog you get, has to have a close bond to you, so you can genuinely love them, treat them like they are a member of the family and they feel loved by you and you feel loved by them.

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